Check list for a ludicrously happy show:
- Your headlining bands need at least 8 people. Check.
- Lots of keyboards, everywhere. Check.
- You find yourself clapping along to the songs. Check.
- Funny instruments. Does a kazoo count? Yes. Ok then, check.
And so it was, the second residency night for Bodies of Water over at the Echo. I headed over tonight because there was lots of good hype about this band Kind Hearts and Coronets. I had listened to some of their music and was quite pleased so once again I begged for a designated driver and off we went.

We walked into the pit of the happiest sounding music I think I've ever heard. And then... the band pulled out a kazoo. My head was on the verge of splitting in two from the retarded grin on my face. Unfortunately it was their last song. So, I cannot say really anything about the rest of their music. Nor can I say which band this was, because the 3 guys on stage (oh! and I forgot to mention that the drummer looked even happier than ME. Which was shocking, but whatever.) do not fit the description of either Frankel or Listing Ship. So....

Kind Hearts and Coronets was just as super happy fun as I was told they were going to be. Like, giddy fun. And CHRIST there was a lot of them. Eight in total I believe. There was the requisite keyboards and a horn and guitars and people singing.. and.. and.. Anyways, they had this 'big' sound that reminded me very much of layered 60's psychedelic pop music, but with some folk thrown in. They're a bit more wild live than their recorded songs. However, both live and recorded you can't help but hum along. And grin, don't forget the grinning part.

Ok. What else can I say about Bodies of Water? Well, tonight was the most people on stage I've seen before. NINE. They had an additional guitarist, which would make: 2 guitars, a keyboard, two trombones, a bass, a viola, and 2 percussionists. And they sounded as great as ever. I don't believe they played anything new, at least for me. The usual though: Doves, Eyes, Friends, Co-existors, Hey Joe... and more I'm forgetting. Next time I'll just ask for the set list... it
was right in front of me. They have two more Monday Residencies at the Echo. Next week should be good too, The Parson Red Heads are playing with them. If you haven't seen BoW play yet, regardless of all the gushing praise I give them, I'd suggest one of these nights. And it's free, although it's on a Monday night. Buck it up!
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